Got Followers?

Got Followers?

“In a multitude of people is the glory of a king, but without people a prince is ruined.” Proverbs 14:28 On Sunday, I went to a retirement celebration for one of the greatest men I am privileged to know. He’s not a man of great physical stature or intimidating...
Super Wife

Super Wife

“An excellent wife who can find?  She is far more precious than jewels.” Proverbs 31:10   When my girls were little, their life aspirations included becoming a professional horse rider, a pig farmer and marrying daddy.  As noble, lucrative and sweetly peculiar as...


One of the only things that makes bearable the passing of our delicious Christmas season is that it quickly gives way to the hope and anticipation of a fresh chapter.  In the spirit of that New Year newness, I love to evaluate the key areas of my life to ensure I’m on...