A Wordy Invitation and Give-Away

A Wordy Invitation and Give-Away

Today’s post is more invitation than instruction, but I trust you’ll want to come along… It has taken gobs of self-control to wait to address the subject of speech on the blog because not only is it one of my most requested topic for the conferences and retreats I am...
Wasted Beauty

Wasted Beauty

“Like a gold ring in a pig’s snout is a beautiful woman without discretion.” Proverbs 11:22 My young friend Grace is insightful beyond her 9 years.  On the way to a bridal shower, I asked her what she thought of the recent Cinderella movie that my girls and I were...
Not Hardly

Not Hardly

Because I’ve got a lot of teaching to do this weekend and I want to avoid disqualifying myself as a Bible teacher by how I treat my family this week, I wasn’t going to also attempt a wise & witty blog post.  So here is a re-post of an early favourite...
Feeling Vulnerable?

Feeling Vulnerable?

“A man without self-control is like a city broken into and left without walls.”  Proverbs 25:28   Vulnerability. I’m not a big fan. I don’t suppose many people are, but it’s particularly hard for those of us who enjoy a bit of control.  It was probably the most...